1, What is iRent?

iRent.sk is the biggest car rental database in Slovakia. It contains more than 100 car rentals with more than 900 cars.

2, Is iRent owner of vehicles?

No. iRent is does not own any cars. iRent.sk is just database of car rentals and their vehicles.

3, Is iRent a car rental?

No. iRent.sk is not car rental and it does not own any vehicle. iRent.sk is database of car rentals and their vehicles.

4, How will I find a car for renting ?

  • 1, select date FROM which do you want rent a car
  • 2, select date UNTILL which do you want rent a car
  • 3, select place WHERE do you want rent a car
  • 4, click on the button FIND CAR

5, How are calculated prices for renting in iRent.sk?

Prices are calculated on the basis of car rental price list. iRent does not change prices.

6, Are prices for rental final?

Yes. Prices are final including the V.A.T.

7, Rental price for car seems to be too high.

Check entered dates - FROM and UNTILL. These dates you can enter in the main page of iRent or on each sub page or in the upper part of each sub page.

8, How will I set limit of price per day during searching?

At the upper part of each sub page of iRent.sk, set PRICE PER DAY and press button FIND A CAR. The result of searching will display only cars which rental price per day does not exceed value you have set.

9, After I have set price per day there are displayed also car with far higher price.

In searching is displayed total price on the basis of set number of days, so if you set more days, price is higher. After clicking on the button "more details" there is under total price displayed also price of vehicle rental per day.

10, How to row searched cars according to price?

Searched cars for renting is possibility to row cars according price, name and the newest cars. After you click to one of the possibilities cars will row.

11, Is it possible to search cars for renting according other parameters as are for example, brand, model, gear or other?

Yes. After you click on "advanced search" (see upper part under button "find a car") there will be displayed other searching options. You can search car according the brand, model, type of gear, type of fuel, number of seats or dimensions of boot.

12, After car searching I want to see displayed only cars with diesel oil engines

Upper part of each sub page contains option of QUICK FILTER. After you cancel ticking of item "petrol" there will not be displayed cars with petrol engines, there will be displayed only car with diesel oil engines and vice versa. In case you wish to be displayed only car for rent with automatic gear, cancel ticking of option "manual".

13, After I selected car that is suitable for me car rental does not agree with price from iRent.sk.

Please, mail us to our e-mail address kontakt@irent.sk, or fill out the form in the part contact or just call us. We will contact car rental.
